The domain name
is for sale |
Get On The Web Limited some years ago registered for its websites, portals and projects a number of generic domain names (including this one), which are now no longer required. We are offering for sale the domain name PCUI.COM.
If you are interested in the acronym PCUI and would like to purchase the domain name PCUI.COM please complete this offer form. Click here for examples of recent actual domain name sale prices.
Why choose a short acronym like PCUI for your business?
Chinese Internet security company Qihoo 360 has paid a record price of 17 million US dollars for the rights to the '360.com' domain Qihoo Pays $17 million for 360.com Domain
Sumo.com sold for $1.5million After close to 7 years SumoMe acquires Sumo.com for $1.5million
Snap.com sold for $5million Snap pay $5million for Snap.com
Vivo.com sold for $2.1million Why Did Vivo Pay $2.1 Million for Vivo.com?
Jade.com sold for $1.25million Mining company says it’s acquiring Jade.com for $1.25 million
4-letter domain name eBet.com Sells For $1.35million 4-letter domain name EBET.com sells for $1,350,000
If you or your organization own any registered trade mark relating to the above name or any other names Get On The Web Limited has registered, or if you represent or know of any such organization, please click to this page.
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